I love this picture of two former United States Democrat Presidents and one former Republican President, enjoying each other’s company. This image represents that unity and respect is possible in spite of differences. [source: Today Show ]
"Hypocrisy - The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense."
One thing that we might all agree on is that dealing with hypocrites is frustrating, annoying and sometimes down right infuriating and nothing reveals the hypocrisy in us all quite like a politically charged season in the United States. Many of us are quick to call out the hypocrisy in others all day long on social media but few of us are capable of looking in the mirror and calling out our own hypocrisy. I am surely guilty of this. It's quite challenging, to see ourselves from a different vantage point and to loosen our grip on our need to be right all the time.
Honest, painful, self-reflection isn't something that many of us do very well. Humbling ourselves and admitting when we have said or done wrong. Can we even expect this of people in 2021 or is it a lost art?
I have never taken much of an interest in politics because well, I can't stand the arena. I am too sensitive for the battle ground that is politics and I find it to be, more often than not, fruitless and divisive. On the other hand, I cannot deny the fact that politics are an essential part of democracy. Therefore, if I am grateful for the great democracy that I live and thrive in, I must by association, in some way of speaking, be deeply grateful for the people who have made it their life's work to do the dirty work of politics that I would never wish to do. Whew.
Politics are messy. I don't think there is any way of getting around that. Dealing with a melting pot of people with different beliefs, hurts and needs is messy. Dealing with money is messy. Making monumental decisions that affect an entire nation is bound to be messy and controversial. Messy.
God bless our politicians. They have a tough job to say the least and since they are all human, they are by default, flawed, imperfect, hypocrites, as are you and I. See, we have something in common now. Smile.
Democrats and many Republicans who couldn't stand Trump and found him downright repulsive, are celebrating that he is now out of office and President Biden has been elected. Those who voted for him are elated. Rightfully so! They endured a candidate who they did not vote for and despised for four years. Now is their time in the sun. Their time to have their voices heard. It is an understandable celebration. Winners celebrate. Also widely celebrated is the first female Vice President in US history. It is a historic victory for many women. Many are celebrating and hopeful that these new leaders will bring about the change that they are desperately longing for. Maybe these leaders will be the cure for what ails America.
On the other hand, those who did not vote for Biden, are not as elated. They are likely feeling the mixture of unpleasant feelings that one often feels when their candidate of choice loses. Democrats do you remember what that feels like? Of course you do. You felt those feelings when Trump was elected and all throughout his term. Feelings of fear, anger and sadness are weighing heavily on many conservatives now. But how could that be democrats wonder? In the eyes of the victors, Biden is charismatic, smart, has a touching life story and is backed by the adored Obama family. What's not to like about Biden? Those who voted for Biden, now loudly declare that now is the time for unity, now is the time to heal. Now that their candidate has won and they are getting what they want, now is the time for unity.
Conservatives who didn't vote for Biden find this declaration for unity and healing now, to be total hypocrisy. Where was the Democrat cry for unity when Trump was President? Better yet, since Trump is a controversial President, where was this Democrat cry for unity when any Republican President has been in office? And likewise, where is the Republican cry for unity when a Democrat is elected.
Democrats, you are often the source of tension and lack of unity when a Republican is in office.
Republicans, you are often the source of tension and lack of unity when a Democrat is in office.
If we demand and fight for unity only when a candidate of our choosing is in office then we will never have unity. We are like repelling magnets. They will never be brought together. Each political party is made up of many players and if you are on a political team then you contribute to the problem of division. If you hail your side as the only side capable of restoring unity, then you are contributing to the division. So the question is: How can we do better? How can we work towards unity when we are so different? How can we work towards unity even when our candidate loses and we struggle with all of those uncomfortable feelings? How can we be more compassionate and sensitive to people feeling those feelings? How can we better reach across the invisible line? How can we keep our own emotions in check when social media and the news spew so much negativity and controversy?
As I type this, I imagine that I am talking to my son and daughter after they have gotten in an ugly fight. Their faces are furrowed in anger and accusation toward the other. One is standing to my left and one to my right. I love them both dearly. They both have good intentions and mean well but, in those moments of anger and intense emotion, they cannot relate to each other. They cannot find common ground and they do not have the emotional maturity to resolve their differences in a civil way. They need a mediator. They need wise counsel and encouragement. They need to be pointed back to love. They need to be reminded that while they are quite different, that they also have so much in common and they can build on those common interests and strengths instead of tearing apart over their differences. Sometimes the differences have to be sidelined. It takes practice and skill to set the differences aside and not take them personal. Sometimes we simply have to work with what we've got and dig in and do our part to make a difference even in leadership that we do not fully agree with. I'm not sure what this looks like exactly but, one can hope and dream for change right? I dream of a day when Republicans and Democrats can link arms and work together toward some common goals in spite of differences. I dream of a day when people will learn how to listen to opposing views without becoming unhinged. I dream of a day when people will remember that politics are not more important than loving your neighbor as yourself. I may be dreaming of Heaven but I will continue to hope for more of that kind of unity here.
I have so much more to say on these matters but motherhood calls.
Please feel free to share your civil thoughts in the comments below. Differing view points are always welcome.
Happy Tuesday fellow hypocrites!
Sidenote: I love Jesus and I will share my faith regularly on this blog. Jesus' example inspires me every day to lay down my entitled anger and choose love even when it pains me to do so. Love is the only way to unity. I recognize that not all of you share my faith. That is okay.
Love and Peace.